Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lots of things going on around us during the holidays always makes me look for that one spot that I can go to and be still. Thanksgiving and Christmas seem to be so busy for people. It makes my head spin. Hard to sleep. Wake up thinking that I forgot something. Whew.....

I am so glad to be able to stop sometimes and just be still. Look for that place today. Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit!!!

Bedlam Blood Drive is this Sunday. Don't forget to bring your driver's license to check in. It will be located in the gym.

Thanksgiving is next Thursday. The church office will be closed the last half of the day on Wednesday the 25th.

Christmas Decoration night is on the 2nd of December. Just be at the church at 6:30pm ready to decorate.

Talk to you soon.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ladies, there is a potluck dinner for you this Thursday evening at 6:30pm in the cafe.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Join us on the 15th of this month for a great time of fellowship and community as we break bread together. It will begin at 6pm down in our Cafe area or Watermark as we call it. Bring what ever your family likes to eat and enjoy what everyone else brings as well.

Hope each of you have a great day!