Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Words for Wednesday

Wow! Two days of VBX under our belt and one more to go. It has really been a great two days. Our children's ministry has done a wonderful job of planning, decorating and teaching. I have especially liked the music during the evening service. A little techno always gets my old muscles moving.

Construction News:
The new parking lot has been slowed a little by the rain. Still shooting for a couple of weeks until completion. Painting, ceiling tile installation and a few odds and ends still going on inside. It really looks great. We purchased some chairs for the youth room yesterday so they should be happy they won't have to sit on the floor.

Ministry Update:
Beginning August 16Th we will have a new 5Th and 6Th grade ministry. There is a new room for them to meet in but just in case if construction is not done by that day they will meet in the gym. August 16Th is also promotion Sunday. So if you have children know they may be in a new classroom that day. I'm sure you probably have been receiving info on that day already.

We are still getting ready for handing out backpacks the week of August 17Th to Wiley Post. The Women's ministry will be separating supplies on the 13Th and then we as a church will be filling the backpacks with supplies on the 16Th.

Our missions pastor has been leading a ministry downtown on Saturdays. This is a city wide opportunity for people to help. They are helping beautify an area known for prostitution, drug dealing and many other things. They are truly doing a great job of sharing the gospel message in a verbal and physical sense. Keep up the great work!

Personal Note:
I am doing good. Finally got some needed rest last night. Tough getting old!! Val and the boys are doing great! Val has been busy with some theater stuff and the boys, well.............. they just like to fight and wrestle. I think I finally gave up for the very first time in one of our wrestling matches the other day. Man, I was just wore out. I think it surprised the boys a little, they are used to my never give up attitude.

Hope each of you have a great day!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday High Noon

Another Sunday afternoon playing with AJ and building trains. We also played a little nerf gun wars. I think Sundays are so cool at Newchurch. We spend the morning in worship and fellowship and then evenings are spent with the family.

I hope that each of you are doing just that. Spending time with the family.

Tomorrow night starts VBX. Vacation Bible School Extreme

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

OK! I was thinking today about all of the things that I love about NEWCHURCH

I know my typical answer would be the people. Instead of leaving you with that general answer here is why I love the people.

0. Willing to be a open vessel ready for God to use them for His purpose
1. Are open and honest about their life and struggles
2. Truly care about others
3. Willingness to be open to change
4. Smiling faces
5. Servant hearts
6. Desire to learn and be teachable

I'll stop there because I could keep going and I am flat tired. Plus I need to build some train tracks with AJ.

See you Sunday!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sleepy Tuesday

Well another Tuesday and what a wonderful one it is. Ladies Ice Cream Social is going on right now. Looks like about 35 or more ladies. I just borrowed a cookie from some nice lady. It was really good. 

Men's Iron Shop was great this morning. Getting into God's word is great! Thanks guys for always being willing to be there. 

Children's ministry is gearing up for VBX. We will be handing out fliers Wednesday morning for about 20 minutes if anyone would like to help. Just going to cover the apartments across the street. It happens next week Monday Tuesday and Wednesday evening. 

I so much enjoyed having "Gravity" at our home last week. This is the younger single adult ministry. Lots of great things going on there. We had a ton of food. 

The interior doors came in today for the new part of the building. It will be fun watching them get attached to each classroom. 

Man the youth room is big!!


Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday, the day after Sunday!!

Well it was a great Monday at church. Lots of stuff going on inside and out. They (construction workers) are preparing the ground around the back and sides of the church for the parking lot. Each side of the building will have a double lane drive so that cars can easily pass. It will look great!

Ladies, the ice cream social is Tuesday night at 6:30pm. It is planned to be held outside in the shade, but because of rain it might be inside the atrium of the building.

Thanks for all of you that I was able to visit with yesterday at church. I always have fun on Sundays.

Ill post a few more pictures of the construction Tuesday.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Here is the new Adult classroom wing. Looking South down the hall. 13 new classrooms
Today is a sad day. We will be celebrating the life of one of our members Debra Baker. Wonderful women. The service is today at 2pm at Newchurch.

Remember that this Sunday the 19th of July we will still be hearing the word of God in our series "Encounters". Tommy Woodard one of our teaching Pastors will be sharing His word in a lesson called "An Encounter with the Sisters". As always it will be an exciting time.

Ladies don't forget about the Ice Cream Social this coming Tuesday evening. I am sure there will be lots of homemade ice cream to enjoy.

The building is coming along great! Hopefully it will be done sometime in August.

Hope each of you have a blessed day!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Vacation Bible School is coming right around the corner. July 27th -29th 6:30pm-8pm. Sign you kids up for this great time.

Men don't forget that we meet each Tuesday morning at 6:15am for bible study. Right now we are going through the books of Corinthians.

Just starting to blog. Trying to help everyone stay up to date on stuff going on at church. Hope all have a great week.